Bidder Guidelines

The Osage County Sheriff’s Office is legally mandated to sell foreclosed properties as set forth in state statute. The property lists are normally updated each Friday; properties to be offered at the sale taking place in six weeks are added and the properties that were offered on the previous Tuesday are removed. To prevent the sale of a property, it is the plaintiff’s responsibility to submit any notice of recall to the Sheriff’s Office prior to the date of the scheduled sale.

Foreclosed property sales are held at 10:00 a.m. on specified Tuesdays on the second floor of the Osage County Courthouse. If you have questions or would like to speak with someone you can call 918-287-3535 option 4 during business hours.

This schedule may be altered due to legal holidays or severe weather. Check back on a regular basis for CHANGES and RECALLS. Notice: All foreclosed properties are sold “AS IS” and may be occupied. Prior to bidding, research the property’s records for outstanding liens and taxes that may not be satisfied by the foreclosure auction. The sale of foreclosed properties is open to the public and anyone may bid, with the exception of Osage County Sheriff’s Employees as they are prohibited. All bidders will be required to provide their name and phone number. The properties are listed in the order presented on the Auction Sales List.

Bidding for each property will open at no less than 2/3 (two-thirds) of the property’s appraised value.*Bids must be raised by a minimum of $100 increments.*Successful bidders are required to provide a cashier’s check or a personal check with a letter of credit from their bank for exactly 10% (ten percent) of the winning bid price made out to the Osage County Sheriff’s Office. The remaining 90% (ninety percent) of the sale price is payable at the Osage County Court Clerk’s office prior to the confirmation hearing; approximately three weeks after the sale date. When a successful bidder fails to comply with the above legal mandate, the next highest bidder may be given the opportunity to complete the sale, under the same conditions listed above. For additional Information on a property contact the attorney representing the plaintiff.